
vendredi 29 mars 2013

POULET BASQUAISE (easy version)

The poulet basquaise is a chicken stew dish from the south of France. Normally you would do it with chicken maryland, but you often find only drumstick at your local supermarket.

For 2 persons, I buy
4 good quality chicken drumsticks like free range.
6 tomatoes
1 red and 1 green capsicum
1 onion
the usual suspects : salt peper, olive oil, rosemary

Stir fry the chicken with plenty of paprika in olive oil until it is nicely brown. Remove from the pan,  add oil and stir fry the onions, capsicums first, then tomatoes. Put back the chicken.

Add water to avoid burning, then let to cook on low heat until the meat starts to fall off the bones. Dont be afraid to cook it for a long time.

I usually serve with a side or rice and bread to soak the delicious sauce in the end.

Once cooked, it can keep for few days, so dont hesitate to make plenty !!


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